

The bird flew so low; it seem to be trying to capture the attention of the passengers in the train with its spectacular performance; it seemed to be trying to help the group of vendors waving eagerly at the passengers in the train.

The group of vendors were mostly the older folks; making it even more painful to watch them. They were carrying mostly food stuff, like berries, bread etc.; they would stand a better chance with the food stuff, hoping the passengers would want to buy them for the train trip.

I was in Russia recently. On my way back from Saint Petersburg to Moscow, the train made several stops along the way. I was reading throughout the trip, except for small chat with my travelling mate and water, I was fully absorbed in the story. My attention snapped when I heard some knocking on the window. When I looked up, I saw the face of an old lady, she was trying to peddle her cup of berries to me.

I looked on, but I did not buy. Her hopeful face continued to stare at me, it was totally disarming. I would have hand her all my money if someone asked me to at that time. Why did I not buy the berries, I do not know. But it took all my will to break the stare.

Have you ever feel hungry? Have you ever had that hollow feel in the stomach?
