
Should it be as such?

When an accident happens, you lost someone you love. Scary thoughts isn't it? There are times when we have a quarrel, when the cold war starts and when both refuse to talk; this thought would somehow find its way into my thoughts. Slowly, but surely. That is when the quarrel would seem like the most stupid thing that happened. I saw a friend's blog today; it is an old post but I really like what she said - it takes a lot of courage to get marry. And may I add to the courageous list - to stay married. Marriage is one of the best thing that could have happened to me. I do not need to worry if I need a partner for a movie, a concert or just plain lazing around. Hubby would be there; i.e. as long as he doesn't have any work commitment. I love that knowledge that he would do it for me without asking. Well...I believe hubby would say the same - marriage is one of the best thing that could have happened to him. He doesn't need to think of the dinner, he doesn't need to clean up the house, I plan the trips and holidays. We both are having a good time with marriage. There are downs as well, I would not kid myself. Being married does not mean we agree on everything. There are tons that we do not, and perhaps would never. Living together means we are both prepare to give in efforts that are necessary to maintain a happy marriage. It cannot just be effort that is something that is above your personal standard. It has to be efforts that is good enough for the marriage. Starting a life with someone that does not know you as long as your parents, who are so willing to give you everything, is a tough step to take. But it could be a wonderful journey too. It is difficult to ask for the world, but it is totally necessary to try. That is if you love him.
